Tuesday, April 14, 2015

This image is from the renaissance time period not only because of the gothic look to it but from the artist who created it. Gothis art is exclusively religious art. This kind of art became very popular in the 14th century in Rome when the Church was gaining a lot of power and these art works inspired the public as well as secular leaders. These gothic images show the foundations of art and religion. It displays ggood connection between the two categories. It was not just gothic paintings that were most popula. There were gothic sculptors that were also very popular.

The reason why I chose this image is because of the history that is behind it. Some may say that it is just your typical picture of Jesus on the cross but to me it seems like it means more than that. It portrays his royalty and his power and shows what the power of the cross means and how he died for us and how he paid the ultimate sacrifice.

The second image I selected is when the woman reaches out and touches Jesus because she wants to get healed and Jeus called her out on it and loved her because of her faith. I chose this image because I have never seen any image of this before and I think that it is a good reminded for us to take a lead of faith and take risk because of God.

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